Slide Rail Shower Kits

Slide Rail Shower Kits

A popular addition to any shower, a complete package of handset, rail and hose. The handsets slide up and down the rail easily to adjust height and position, with spray functionality for a personalised showering experience. 


Items 1-12 of 61

Single Function
Slide Rail Shower Kit
+ Wall Outlet
Slide Rail Shower Kit
5 Function Air-Injection Slide Rail Shower Kit
5 function Air-Injection Slide Rail Shower Kit + Integrated Outlet
3 function Slide Rail Shower Kit + Integrated Outlet
3 function Slide Rail Shower Kit + Integrated Outlet
4 function Slide Rail Shower Kit + Integrated Outlet
Round 3 Function Slide Rail Shower Kit
Square 3 Function Slide Rail Shower Kit
Round 3 Function Slide Rail Shower Kit
Round 3 Function Slide Rail Shower Kit
Square 3 Function Slide Rail Shower Kit


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